2014 Congratulations

ABRSM Exams/ Christmas, December 2014

Many congratulations to all who took and passed ABRSM exams this term, but especially the following:

Kim B., who passed Grade 7 Piano with Merit


Ben O., who got a whopping 142 marks out of 150 for Grade 1 Piano, an amazing result and well deserved!

I finish teaching for the Christmas break next week, and when I restart in January, we will have been in the new studio for a whole year.  I can’t believe how quickly the time has gone.

A Merry Christmas to all, and my very best wishes for 2015.

May it bring all you hope for.

Anne 😀


One Response to “2014 Congratulations”

  1. Karen Lund

    Congratulations to everyone who has recently passed their music grade. I admire anyone who takes music grades – so far I have not been brave enough, even though I’m only learning for pleasure.