2014 Congratulations
ABRSM Exams/ Christmas, December 2014
Many congratulations to all who took and passed ABRSM exams this term, but especially the following:
Kim B., who passed Grade 7 Piano with Merit
Ben O., who got a whopping 142 marks out of 150 for Grade 1 Piano, an amazing result and well deserved!
I finish teaching for the Christmas break next week, and when I restart in January, we will have been in the new studio for a whole year. I can’t believe how quickly the time has gone.
A Merry Christmas to all, and my very best wishes for 2015.
May it bring all you hope for.
Anne 😀
December 2014 – New Website, and VIP Area Forum
I am very excited by my newly upgraded website, and many thanks to Neil at http://www.nonamenoslogan.co.uk/ for all his design skill in setting it up. The VIP area now has its own forum for students, parents and friends. If you would like the password to gain access to it, please ask or email me.
Good Luck!
Good luck to all my students, who are sitting exams on this Friday, Â 4th July.
It’s a very special day as we are having a private visit from the ABRSM examiner. Just a reminder to all candidates: come in through the front door to the main house as we will be waiting in the old part of the house. There will be a chance to warm up too.
I hope you are all raring to do – I am looking forward to it, and there is going to be some great music played with a varied repertoire. I’m having the piano tuned on Thursday, so it should feel fabulous to play.
Piano Service Time!
Today my piano was expertly serviced by Jim Titterington and Maurice Peck. The hammers were reshaped after years of wear and tear, it was regulated, tuned and voiced and given a really good clean out. It’s as good as new again now! Here are the master technicians in action:

To contact Jim and Maurice for tuning or other piano maintenance visit this link: www.homehandbooks.co.uk/listings/James_Titterington/46/
I shall be breaking up for the Christmas and New Year holidays a little early this year – the final lessons of the year will be on Saturday 14th December. Lessons will be starting IN THE NEW STUDIO on Monday 6th January 2014! 🙂
Here are the latest pictures of the new studio and waiting room, which is almost ready to move the piano into! I am very excited:

You can view more pictures on the Anne Topping School of Music Facebook page. 🙂
There is still a way to go, but we are getting there! I hope that we will be in before Christmas. 🙂
The exterior door that leads to the waiting room stairs:

The waiting room:

The music room:

Latest News 6th August 2013
The most recent pictures of the new music room under construction! 🙂
Coming soon …….
- New music room specially designed for inspirational acoustics and view
- Comfortable waiting area and facilities for parents and students
- Easy off-road parking

The BIG PIANO MOVE, 16th April 2013

We are all set to go in the new temporary teaching room. Thanks to Gilberts Piano Transport – the people I would always recommend to move a piano in an expert way:  http://www.pianoremovals-manchester.co.uk/
The next move will be back to the newly built studio, hopefully later this year. The temporary teaching venue is only about a third of a mile from the present one, and there is ample parking. I’m looking forward to teaching looking out over the fields! 🙂
March 2013
Update – we will be moving to the temporary teaching premises on Tuesday 16th April. It is still in Barton,  a 5-10 minute walk from the current studio. Anyone who hasn’t received a copy of the map and address should be getting one soon. There will be car parking in front of the house, and toilet facilities, but please note that there is nowhere to wait inside, so please don’t arrive too early for your lessons! (Those who do may be forced to play duets!) I’m not sure how long we will be in the temporary venue, but the good news is that I am taking my Yamaha grand piano with me, so some things will be the same. Building work for the new studio starts on May 6th, all being well. It’s exciting!